Welcome to ToMaTo-Teoh's blog!! It's kinda empty, but feel free to comment. Lastly, I hope you enjoy reading it. (^^)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chinese Birthday~!! I'm extremely happy~

Haha...nothing seems to upset me today. =D Extremely good mood today. Maybe it is because it is my birthday~! XP Jux had some CRABS~! Yummmmy~! LoL! Yeah, I love CRABS...kinda full. Eat too much...Another 2 more hours will be my Birthday!! XP Must have fun~! Yummmy Yummmy Yummmy~! Guess what is that? I'll be having Baskin Robbins for my Birthday cake and my dad gonna buy some ice-creams home. Yummy~! Jealous? You should~! I'm so happy to be born on 31 day of the month. It's a lovely date. Haha...

Friday, January 29, 2010

What the hell~!

Damn a lot of assignments le. The one I dislike the most is the 50% assignment which the MGT215. Arghh~~ Damn a lot la...every week also need to do. Haiz... Another assignment that I don't feel like doing is the ACC223, which consist only 3%!! So darn little but darn a lot of work. Bad day too, I meet someone I don't want to meet. Eventhough both of us acknowledge each other's presence but we practically ignore each other. Luckily going for lunch with TOFU later!! Must calm down a little.. yeah!! love it~!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

5 hours of Daimoku

Woohoo~! This is the first time I chant so long. Well, I know I'm lazy to do Gongyo and Daimoku everyday, but this...is a hell of a big thing to me. It may seems crazy to you, but well, we did it, didn't we? Ok, here is the story, we went to practice every friday and saturday, as usual (roll eyes). Suddenly, Jia Xin, Yin Li and Johleen mention about doing 10 hours of daimoku, first thing come to my mind is "Oh shit! THAT LONG?!". Haha, is normal for people to feel that way. We woke up about 4 something today and started our daimoku at 4.30 until 9.30. Did I mention it is MORNING 4:30AM?? Well, yes!! Crazy huh? That's only 5 hours, the other session is 1 to 6pm. I didn't go for the 2nd session because I have assignments to do. The time pass in the early morning before 7:30am much faster.

Friday, January 22, 2010

First Student Division Meeting in 2010

Well, I learn about soft power yesterday in the student division meeting.

1. Religion and ....(I can't remember liao >.<)
2. Bushido and Self-Control
3. (lol...also forget edi >.<)

I enjoyed the meeting but I was accused to be kinda quiet throughout the meeting. >.<

Sunday, January 17, 2010

All the happy occasions beaten by a sad occasion

My mom, aunt, 2 cousins and I went out shopping in One Utama today. We enjoyed shopping a lot. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't shop at all. It is mostly my fault. We shop for more than 9 hours including lunch. We manage to buy some nice clothes but due to my fault, we lost everything. I can't stop blaming myself. Some of our clothes were in the car boot, but I move it to the seat when I reach my house. By the way, it is my cousin's car. We went out for dinner. After dinner, we went to the car and see everything when missing and the mirror is broke. When I see my cousin start crying, I control myself from sobbing. I hide away from my family. Damn heart sick especially when we spend damn lot of time shopping and get nothing.

Driving Saturday

It is a happy thing that, I finally don't have to rely on my bro to fetch me to practice on saturdays. I drove my younger bro back from school at 3.30pm and drove him to Tae Kwon Do at 4.30pm right after I pump petrol. Later on, I drove to practice in Klang Jaya. It took me 1 hour to reach there, because of the traffic jam. I'm happy to see the practice turn out quite well, a lot of members attend the practice. I drove back at 9.45pm. Smooth sailing traffic. I fetch one of friends home. Happy Happy Happy~!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

LoL~! I have not written 2010 New Year's Resolutions!!

Oh well, my new year resolutions. Please bear with me~!!

1. Reduce my weight
(well, as much as possible)
2. Do well in my 1st year degree
(must prove to my dad, I can do it, he don't have to control me too much)
3. Able to do G & D fluently and regularly
(must do it to help me achieve my resolutions)
4. Pass my Grade 7 Piano
(Failed once, not gonna fail again!!)
5. Improve my trumpet skills
(Worse then before, must work extra hard!!)
6. Pass my Grade 8 Theory
(If not, it will be new syllabus and I have to study all over again, I don't want that to happen >.<)
7. Able to be a better Senior
(So far, I am a lousy senior)
8. Able to make my juniors have faith in me and listen to my advice
(They always ignore my advice)
9. Must ensure my room to be tidy 24/7
(It has always been messy, sad to say, worse than Wee's)
10. Avoid using computers often
(Need more time to study and assignments)

Well, this the only thing I remember, will update more again in future~!!

Geoffrey's Birthday~!!

Yesterday, was a great day~!! We, TAS members can finally meet each other again!! lol..
I took bus about 9.30am and reach Sunway Piramid at 10.15am. Nothing much to say, Jun and Kar Mun arrive damn late. So, we decided to have lunch 1st in Pizza Hut. Total attendees is 15 persons and 3 absentees which is Shawn, Kathleen and Wei Jie. Geoffrey and Rosini blow the flame away, then we make them bite the candles out, 5 candles each.
After lunch, we split into two groups, 1 ice-skating group and 1 monopoly group. Apparently, only me and Popiah is in the monopoly group. I follow Popiah to buy some stuff in Popular bookstore and Jusco department store. After that, we wondered around for a moment, then we settle down in Starbucks. Popiah drank some latte. I don't remember, anyway I don't drink coffee, it doesn't concerns me. >.<
We start playing monopoly in one corner for about an hour or more then we call ice-skating group. We laze around and ate dinner at 5 something.
Apparently, those that follow Kay's car reach Jun's house 1st. Geoffrey sleeping on the couch until the rest come back~! We had a PS3 party! LoL~!! We enjoyed playing that a lot. The Tekken 6 was nice but the Street Fighters graphic does not look so nice and when the characters fighting, it looks kinda fake. Yun Leng and I leaves earlier.
Thanks for the party~!! Woohoo~! Hope the next party will be coming soon but not soon!! HaVe A NiCe DaY~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

TAS Mini Gathering~!!

LOL!! Initial, it is suppose to be meant for visiting Wee in My Place Apartment! This visit is the start of the mini gathering. Onigiri invites me to visit Wee this morning. I invited Tofu to come along, since she is so free and we have not seen Wee for sometime. Jun came along too.
A TOTAL DISASTER~!! Extremely messy~! Well, we are the univited guest, so, no big deal and it is also difficult for her to squeeze everything into her room. It is kinda small room.
Wee and I ate "Wan Tan Mee" while Jun eat "Char Kuey Teow" and didn't finished it~! Tofu ate all the vege and tauge in the "Char Kuey Teow" and Onigiri finish the "Char Kuey Teow". Jun and Tofu had "Kopi Ais" *I think so (>.<)*. Onigiri had "Teh Ais" and I had "Hot Barley".
Jun slept on the couch. After hearing his name mentioned, he open his eyes but his hand is inside his shirt. *I have no idea what he is doing, but the pose is damn funny* We can't stop laughing and Albert looking at him and smile, eventually he come closer to look. Jun stone there and make him look like he is sleeping with his eyes open. Finally, he can't stand us anymore and he started laughing also. It must been difficult for him to control himself so much so to not to smile.
Tofu and me had the "Prosperity BEEF Burger" while Jun had "Milo Ais". We gossips a lot. Well, we did some crazy stuff. We tasted every single process of it. Mixing things into the Coca-Cola drink.
1st, add salt into the Coca-Cola drink~!
2nd, add pepper
3rd, add tomato sauce
4th, add chilli sauce
5th, add sugar
6th, add creamer
And the drink is ready to drink~!!
Worst of all~!! NO LAB CLASS!! ARGHHH~!! Made me stay until so late~!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Something Familiar

English Lecturer ask us to mind map. Very basic right? *hmm* We compare handphones and say which is better that's it. Another lesson is Introduction to Quantitative Methods. *sigh* It suppose to be statistics BUT this chapter I learn the very very basic in Math. The rounding up to ten, hundred...etc. Then we learn BODMAS, quadratic equation and simultaneous equation. That's for all. I slept the moment I reach home until like 7pm? lol...

It's wasn't really a fine day~!

I am still nervous when I enter class yesterday where all these strangers sitting around me. It feels weird since I do not know anyone. The first class was English lesson. I manage to make a few friends. Oh yes, we are really getting along with each other's company. *Thank Goodness* For some reasons, I don't know why my lecturer pick me as Class Rep! *Sigh* She say "Please say yes!" *blink blink* (what should I say? Yes?) *Sigh* Do you look like you have a choice? Lecturers wants student to be more active. She read the list of names and my name was in the 2nd place not 1st~!!! She skip him and ask me to be the Class Rep instead~!!! *omg* Apart from that the rest was ok and fun~!! I loves being around this new friends, kinda like a little crazy here and there especially Peter. For your information, he is from China. Got to go~! *Yawn*

Monday, January 4, 2010

After orientation

lol...today's orientation is pretty BORING. The stupid ppl make us wait for 1 hour!!! Shit them.. Nvm~! Later got 2 ladies brief us something about their Student Service Department. The 2 ladies talk like they are in doubts. Screeew them!!! I was like thinking, why they come UNPREPARED wan... listen until wan to sleep edi also *haiz* but i like the Mr. Alfred, the head of department for School of Business. At least he make his speech so short. Good for me and i made a few friends today. It is not such a bad day after all.

My New Beginning

Ok, I'm kinda nervous right now, since I'm going to new college. I do not know what kind of people I'll be meeting today. I can't describe my fear for meeting the same type of people. I hope I would not have the same experience with my ex-classmates. I don't want to be left out again. The only thing that keep me sane in college is Taylor's Anime Society. Without them, I wouldn't survive there. Hopefully I can get along with my new classmates. *fingers cross*