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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Past Events~!

Well, It has been few days since my last post. You know, I'm "busy" person. LoL~! It's not~! It is very darn difficult for me to stay away from computers/internet. I doing my best! Why don't you try 1 week without a computer or internet? It's damn tough.

Well, you guys may think, why do I need to stay away from computers/internet? Every single piece of information I get it straight from internet. Why stop? It is much easier than going to library and borrow a large amount of books to find a piece of information? I must be out of my mind. Maybe you think I'm stupid or crazy, screwwwwwww my dad? No way! I'm doing it because I think he is right. My dad never wrong in this.

Who can get a dad as great as him, if your dad doesn't care as much as he does. I love my dad a lot. Surprise? Don't be. I don't usually say out loud that I love my family or anyone. My dad is an amazing guy. He is like predicting the future. Whatever he ask me to do in the first 2 weeks is what my MGT215 teacher thought. Fyi, MGT215 is Skills For Accountants. Superb~!

I know, I use to complain about him, but he is a great dad and a manager. He train people in his company from an office boy to a manager, secretary and etc. He says something that make me think a lot. He said, "If you can't learn from me, you can't learn from anybody else. No one will teach you, people in the company are selfish. I won't say it is right because what we learn Buddhism is to be helpful and help people in anyway you can and not being selfish in terms of knowledge." I agree, now-a-days, people are selfish in terms of knowledge. They won't teach you everything you need, except for Gen Nen. Gen Nen is very generous~! LoL~! Of course, I'm not sure if he is generous in terms of $$ but definitely knowledge.

There is another quote I had heard about. It is "No matter how great a theory/philosophy is, if one does not share, it is nothing". Understand? I'll explain. For example, Buddhism. Buddhism is a life-philosophy. This philosophy is very great, if one is selfish of sharing it, the philosophy is nothing but a philosophy.

Ok, now for the other events~!
29/1/10 (FRIDAY)
Meeting new members of TAS is weird. I'm surprise to see Ming Yan to join, though. Kay's new members looks a bit like BaNaNas~! Suits Kay~!! LoL~! They got the typical C look~! I'm not racist nor bias to any religion. All religions are great~! Is just that they have a kind of look~!
31/1/10 (SUNDAY)
Well, I didn't manage to buy a BASKIN ROBBINS ICE-CREAM CAKE! LoL~! I did buy some ice-cream back. You know, why? BECAUSE BASKIN ROBBINS ICE-CREAM CAKE IS SUPER SUPER EXPENSIVE!! Do you know how much a cake cost as big as you palm? RM**.**!!!! RM88.00!!!!! About 6 inches one cost RM$%#&@#!!! RM132!!! Apart from that stupid pricing, I'm superb happy!!
1/2/10 (MONDAY)
Haha!! I have some pics for you~!
This pic shows that our "leng zai ko ko" insist to be taller than our Meat. Haha~! She is shorter than him by few inches, but she still denies and tie her hair up straight~! XP
Hehe~! My California roll! Yummy~! Well, it comes with a set with the one below~!!

This nice but I prefer California roll~! This some tempura udon~! LoL~! There is the egg. They have lots of thing inside the egg apart from mushrooms~! (^^)
I didn't finish my noodle and the egg. Gen Nen did~! LoL~! I'm too full to finish those stuff and Gen Nen offer to finish it, y not? Don't waste food mah~! >.<

Onigiri feeding Gen Nen lady finger from my bowl~! *roll my eyes* Anyway, I don't eat lady finger.


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