Welcome to ToMaTo-Teoh's blog!! It's kinda empty, but feel free to comment. Lastly, I hope you enjoy reading it. (^^)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well, it's been a year now, I have not update my blog. I'm still not use to blogging. I'll try to do it as often as possible. I believe this will help me to release stress. :)

Currently, I'm preparing study material for this saturday. I found out what I want to write but...there's one area I'm still unsure about. I guess, I'll wait for my dad to be back to help me sort it out. It has been a challenging thing to do, since it's my first time preparing for a study and I have to do both languages with my partner, Small Jia Xin. Can consider, there's a little language barrier over there. She's Chinese educated while I'm not. Is quite difficult for me to explain to her in mandarin, I can only hope that I don't carry wrong message to her.

This month, there's too many people's birthday, I'm "broke". Now, I have work harder to get my dad a gift. Anyway, maybe I can just make one. Here's some of the things that I've done...I'm still a newbie in Arts and Crafts, please forgive me...

Happy 21st Birthday Alex
Happy 22nd Birthday Pei Ling

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Past Events~!

Well, It has been few days since my last post. You know, I'm "busy" person. LoL~! It's not~! It is very darn difficult for me to stay away from computers/internet. I doing my best! Why don't you try 1 week without a computer or internet? It's damn tough.

Well, you guys may think, why do I need to stay away from computers/internet? Every single piece of information I get it straight from internet. Why stop? It is much easier than going to library and borrow a large amount of books to find a piece of information? I must be out of my mind. Maybe you think I'm stupid or crazy, screwwwwwww my dad? No way! I'm doing it because I think he is right. My dad never wrong in this.

Who can get a dad as great as him, if your dad doesn't care as much as he does. I love my dad a lot. Surprise? Don't be. I don't usually say out loud that I love my family or anyone. My dad is an amazing guy. He is like predicting the future. Whatever he ask me to do in the first 2 weeks is what my MGT215 teacher thought. Fyi, MGT215 is Skills For Accountants. Superb~!

I know, I use to complain about him, but he is a great dad and a manager. He train people in his company from an office boy to a manager, secretary and etc. He says something that make me think a lot. He said, "If you can't learn from me, you can't learn from anybody else. No one will teach you, people in the company are selfish. I won't say it is right because what we learn Buddhism is to be helpful and help people in anyway you can and not being selfish in terms of knowledge." I agree, now-a-days, people are selfish in terms of knowledge. They won't teach you everything you need, except for Gen Nen. Gen Nen is very generous~! LoL~! Of course, I'm not sure if he is generous in terms of $$ but definitely knowledge.

There is another quote I had heard about. It is "No matter how great a theory/philosophy is, if one does not share, it is nothing". Understand? I'll explain. For example, Buddhism. Buddhism is a life-philosophy. This philosophy is very great, if one is selfish of sharing it, the philosophy is nothing but a philosophy.

Ok, now for the other events~!
29/1/10 (FRIDAY)
Meeting new members of TAS is weird. I'm surprise to see Ming Yan to join, though. Kay's new members looks a bit like BaNaNas~! Suits Kay~!! LoL~! They got the typical C look~! I'm not racist nor bias to any religion. All religions are great~! Is just that they have a kind of look~!
31/1/10 (SUNDAY)
Well, I didn't manage to buy a BASKIN ROBBINS ICE-CREAM CAKE! LoL~! I did buy some ice-cream back. You know, why? BECAUSE BASKIN ROBBINS ICE-CREAM CAKE IS SUPER SUPER EXPENSIVE!! Do you know how much a cake cost as big as you palm? RM**.**!!!! RM88.00!!!!! About 6 inches one cost RM$%#&@#!!! RM132!!! Apart from that stupid pricing, I'm superb happy!!
1/2/10 (MONDAY)
Haha!! I have some pics for you~!
This pic shows that our "leng zai ko ko" insist to be taller than our Meat. Haha~! She is shorter than him by few inches, but she still denies and tie her hair up straight~! XP
Hehe~! My California roll! Yummy~! Well, it comes with a set with the one below~!!

This nice but I prefer California roll~! This some tempura udon~! LoL~! There is the egg. They have lots of thing inside the egg apart from mushrooms~! (^^)
I didn't finish my noodle and the egg. Gen Nen did~! LoL~! I'm too full to finish those stuff and Gen Nen offer to finish it, y not? Don't waste food mah~! >.<

Onigiri feeding Gen Nen lady finger from my bowl~! *roll my eyes* Anyway, I don't eat lady finger.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chinese Birthday~!! I'm extremely happy~

Haha...nothing seems to upset me today. =D Extremely good mood today. Maybe it is because it is my birthday~! XP Jux had some CRABS~! Yummmmy~! LoL! Yeah, I love CRABS...kinda full. Eat too much...Another 2 more hours will be my Birthday!! XP Must have fun~! Yummmy Yummmy Yummmy~! Guess what is that? I'll be having Baskin Robbins for my Birthday cake and my dad gonna buy some ice-creams home. Yummy~! Jealous? You should~! I'm so happy to be born on 31 day of the month. It's a lovely date. Haha...

Friday, January 29, 2010

What the hell~!

Damn a lot of assignments le. The one I dislike the most is the 50% assignment which the MGT215. Arghh~~ Damn a lot la...every week also need to do. Haiz... Another assignment that I don't feel like doing is the ACC223, which consist only 3%!! So darn little but darn a lot of work. Bad day too, I meet someone I don't want to meet. Eventhough both of us acknowledge each other's presence but we practically ignore each other. Luckily going for lunch with TOFU later!! Must calm down a little.. yeah!! love it~!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

5 hours of Daimoku

Woohoo~! This is the first time I chant so long. Well, I know I'm lazy to do Gongyo and Daimoku everyday, but this...is a hell of a big thing to me. It may seems crazy to you, but well, we did it, didn't we? Ok, here is the story, we went to practice every friday and saturday, as usual (roll eyes). Suddenly, Jia Xin, Yin Li and Johleen mention about doing 10 hours of daimoku, first thing come to my mind is "Oh shit! THAT LONG?!". Haha, is normal for people to feel that way. We woke up about 4 something today and started our daimoku at 4.30 until 9.30. Did I mention it is MORNING 4:30AM?? Well, yes!! Crazy huh? That's only 5 hours, the other session is 1 to 6pm. I didn't go for the 2nd session because I have assignments to do. The time pass in the early morning before 7:30am much faster.

Friday, January 22, 2010

First Student Division Meeting in 2010

Well, I learn about soft power yesterday in the student division meeting.

1. Religion and ....(I can't remember liao >.<)
2. Bushido and Self-Control
3. (lol...also forget edi >.<)

I enjoyed the meeting but I was accused to be kinda quiet throughout the meeting. >.<

Sunday, January 17, 2010

All the happy occasions beaten by a sad occasion

My mom, aunt, 2 cousins and I went out shopping in One Utama today. We enjoyed shopping a lot. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't shop at all. It is mostly my fault. We shop for more than 9 hours including lunch. We manage to buy some nice clothes but due to my fault, we lost everything. I can't stop blaming myself. Some of our clothes were in the car boot, but I move it to the seat when I reach my house. By the way, it is my cousin's car. We went out for dinner. After dinner, we went to the car and see everything when missing and the mirror is broke. When I see my cousin start crying, I control myself from sobbing. I hide away from my family. Damn heart sick especially when we spend damn lot of time shopping and get nothing.